Magellan Travel


About Us

Magellan Travel’s mission is to enhance the profitability and mutual success of its member agents and the Group.

Magellan Members collaborate within a niche network of like-minded high-performance Travel Agents co-operating and learning from each other.


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    Magellan Travel is completely transparent and Agents are kept fully informed of the opportunities available to them and their customers.

    Magellan Travel reports to Members in a timely manner all sales of preferred suppliers by individual member agent and remuneration earned by individual member agent.

    This reporting provides a totally transparent sales and remuneration report for individual member agent’s use only. Agent’s business information is held in the strictest confidence and is for the use of the individual member only.

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    Members can see how their sales and growth impact their potential earnings and manage their business accordingly – their destiny is in their hands.

    In addition, Magellan Travel members have full access to the Management team and their input to Group direction is welcomed and Annual Conference always includes transparent reporting and a Members Open Forum where feedback and questions from Member Agents are encouraged and considered.

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    Magellan agents earn competitive point of sale commissions plus override payments that are paid promptly undiluted by excessive administrative overheads. The modest annual membership fees paid by Magellan agents fund a low-cost administration so profit is not reduced by unnecessary central cost.

    Agents joining the Group report significantly increased remuneration from their Group which is essential in times of downward pressure on margins.

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  • If you are a Travel Agent or Supplier wanting more information on Magellan Travel Group

  • Contact us today


Kevin Bishop
I would have no hesitation in recommending the Magellan Travel Group to any travel company who is dissatisfied with their current position and who is considering a move to a model that will allow them to retain their identity while giving them a commercial edge in the industry.
Kevin BishopBunnik ToursSouth Australia

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